Depending on your views of winter, December, January and February (or June, July, August in the southern hemisphere) can be pretty bleak months. But it’s also a chance to snuggle up in something warm and have a little “me” time. Here are 20 great winter self care ideas to get you through the cold.

Winter Self Care Ideas
Here are 20 winter self-care ideas that will help you get through the cold months and come out on the other side feeling motivated and refreshed.
1 – Have a Warm Bath
There’s nothing quite as relaxing as a hot bath in the winter. While a hot shower isn’t quite as relaxing, if you don’t have a bath it’s the next best thing. Really take some time to make it a special occasion. That might mean listening to some nice tunes or using some special bath products.
2 – Have a Foot Spa
I have terrible circulation and as a result, my feet always feel cold during winter. So treating myself to a warm foot spa is both a great way to relax as well as boost circulation to my feet.
3 – Hot Cup of Cocoa
A hot cup of cocoa is like a warm hug. It’ll warm you up from the inside out and give you a little mood boost.
If you’re looking for a sugar free option, then mixing some raw cacao into hot milk is almost as satisfying as a cup of hot chocolate. Plus Raw Cacao is super healthy. You’ll be treating your body because Raw Cacao is full of anti-oxidants and mood boosting compounds.
4 – Wrap up for a Winter Walk
While it’s tempting to spend all winter indoors, getting outside in the crisp winter air can do you a world of good.
Wrap yourself up in layers and go for a walk. Walking is a great way to exercise and clear your mind at the same time. You’ll also get a little boost of sunshine and light (however faint).
5 – Organise Your Closet
I like to use Winter to think about my summer wardrobe. I use some time during winter to get rid of any clothes that I haven’t worn and are just cluttering up my closet.
6 – Read a Good Book
Winter is the perfect time to rug up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good book. Are there any books you’ve added to your kindle or bought and just haven’t gotten around to reading? Why not set aside 20-30 minutes to do nothing but read.
7 – Bake some Bread
The smell of bread wafting through the house during winter is one of the most comforting things imaginable. While winter isn’t usually the best time for bread that needs to prove, there are recipes that can be made overnight in the fridge and are perfect for winter. Baking bread can be cathartic and calming, perfect for winter self-care.
8 – Have a Pyjama Day
If I’m ever feeling really stressed out and finding myself procrastinating, I often treat myself to a day where I give myself permission to do nothing. Why not spend the day in Pyjamas, binging your fav tv programs, reading, doing a crossword or other mundane tasks.
If you’re working from home you could also spend a day in PJ’s!
9 – Winter Skin Rescue
During winter my skin seems to go off the rails. Cold, dry air can really play havoc with your skin. So take some time to treat your skin. This might mean a hydrating mask or just adding some extra steps into your skin care routine. And remember, just because it’s winter, don’t forget to keep using SPF on your face.
10 – Try Fondue
I think that winter is the only time of year where fondue really makes sense. It’s a real treat and something that I’m not likely to just “whip up” one evening. So take some time to make some great fondue. It’s best enjoyed with your significant other or a group of friends or family.
If you’re looking for some alone time, why not make a small batch of chocolate fondue to enjoy on your own.
11 – Toast Marshmallows
If you’re looking to reconnect with your childhood, then toasting marshmallows will make you feel like a kid again.
12 – Discover Some New Teas
Each winter I do a bit of Tea Haul and pick out a bunch of winter themed teas to enjoy during the cold months. While I love drinking iced tea during summer, a hot cup of tea is the perfect way to stay warm when the temperature drops.
Spiced Chai teas are particular warming during winter but pretty much any type of tea will do the trick.
13 – Watch Your Fav Holiday or Winter Movies
Treat yourself to a movie night to watch your favourite holiday or winter themed movies. A good (or bad) holiday movie around Christmas is always a treat.
14 – Have a Winter Clean Up
While Spring is the traditional time to have a big clean up, if you’re stuck indoors why not use that time to do a bit of a clean. It could be as simple as picking a draw or shelf and sorting it out. Plus if you spend some time during winter decluttering, by the time spring comes around, it will be much easier to do a spring clean.
15 – Complete a Puzzle
Puzzles are a great alternative to spending your time scrolling through endless tiktoks. Not only are you challenging your brain, you’ll also get some time to yourself to think. In a sense, completing a puzzle is a bit like meditating. You don’t need to do a puzzle in one go, instead you can spread it out over days or weeks.
16 – Have a Chat with a Family Member
I feel like during winter I spend less time with family and friends (apart from during holidays). So why not make some time to call your Parents or check in with family. This is something that I think we all want to do more, but never really get around too.
17 – Meditate
Meditation is useful no matter the season. But during Winter, when you’re stuck inside, it’s the perfect time to spend just 10 minutes out of your day with some mindful reflection.
18 – Try Some Mindful Coloring
Print out or buy yourself a Winter themed colouring book. Mindful colouring is perfect for the cooler months when you’re more likely to be stuck inside. You can either set aside some time to colour or just complete it while you’re watching TV.
19 – Light a Scented Candle
Air inside during winter can feel a little stuffy so why not light a scented candle to brighten things up. If you’re really craving warmer times, why not try a tropical scented candle.
20 – Treat Yourself
For many people, winter can be a bit of a low point during the year. That might be a lack of vitamin d, seasonal affective disorder or just the winter blues. So don’t forget to take some time to treat yourself. Whatever that treat may be.
Winter Self Care Challenge
Write these ideas down in your journal and see how many you can complete over the winter. By making it a challenge, you’ll be more likely to actually take time out and treat yourself to a little bit of self care.
Creating a Winter Self Care Routine
Routines and Habits are powerful tools for changing your life. Why not create a routine for the Winter. Waking up early, exercising and going outside can all be difficult during the cold months. Motivating yourself can be a challenge. Habits and Routines will help with motivation.
Start with an easy habit like waking up a few minutes earlier or getting out of bed as soon as your alarm goes off.
Once you’ve nailed this habit for a few days, try chaining on a new habit. Like going through your winter skin care routine or meditating. It’s easier to chain habits together because you get a little shot of motivation after completing each task in your winter routine.
Tips for Getting Through Winter
If you’re counting down the days to summer and just want the colder months to end, then here are some tips for getting through winter and coming out happier and healthier on the other side.
Keep Exercising
It’s definitely harder to start exercising in winter. Especially if you cycle or run. It’s important to not give up on all your exercise over winter. Try and keep moving. It could be as simple as doing laps around the living room to keep the blood flowing or doing an Apple Fitness Workout.
If you keep up some sort of exercise over winter, your summer self is going to be forever grateful.
Remember to Stay Hydrated
During Summer, the heat is a constant reminder to keep hydrated. While you might not need as much fluid during winter, your skin and body will still thank you for staying hydrated.
Use an Air Purifier
If you keep your house closed up during winter, then the air quality can get pretty bad. An Purifier is an easy way to make sure the air your breathing is healthier. They are fairly cheap to run and these days aren’t that expensive to buy.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
Keeping a journal over winter will help you process your thoughts and keep you on track until the happier summer months hit. The easiest way to keep a gratitude journal is to just use daily prompts.
Get Some Fresh Air
Don’t forget to go outside. It’s amazing how a brisk winter walk can change your mood. It’ll warm you up and get your blood moving.